Leading emergency medicine researchers

Who is the best emergency medicine researcher in Australia?

Australia has an extraordinary output of world-class research in the emergency medicine field. To give you an idea of what’s happening, here’s a round-up of just a few of our influential researchers; many are emergency medicine doctors, but we also have nurses, academics, intensive care specialists and toxicologists. There are also paramedics and allied health care researchers contributing to the field.

Make sure you vote for the researcher you believe has contributed most to this field.

Researcher Hospital/ Institution Contribution
Associate Professor Franz Babl Murdoch Childrens Research Institute/The Royal Children’s Hospital Research into better treatments for children: head injury; brain attacks; convulsive status epilepticus
Dr Kylie Baker Ipswich Hospital Pioneering the use of ultrasound to diagnose lung and heart conditions in the emergency department


Dr Anthony Bell Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital/The University of Queensland Key research areas include review of patients admitted after hours; musculoskeletal injuries; trial of ketofol
Professor Victoria Brazil Gold Coast University Hospital./Bond University Workplace based assessment & Team training and scenario based learning
Associate Professor  Kevin Chu Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital/The University of Queensland A/Prof Chu’s research work includes improving treatment for fractures and headaches
Dr Simon Craig Monash Medical Centre/Monash University Paediatric emergency medicine research, particularly in pain management
Professor Julia Crilly Griffith University/Gold Coast Health Research areas include emergency care in watch houses,  aged care, emergency service provision, mental illness
Professor Louise Cullen Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital/The University of Queensland/Queensland University of Technology New rapid diagnostic and protocols for cardiac symptoms
Professor Kate Curtis The University of Sydney/Westmead Hospital Leader in the field of trauma research.
Associate Professor Diana Egerton-Warburton Monash Medical Centre/Monash University Well known for her research in emergency medicine, particularly in relation to public health
Professor Daniel Fatovitch Centre for Clinical Research in Emergency Medicine Key areas included work with methamphetamine patients and the use of tPA in stroke treatment
Professor  Gerry FitzGerald Queensland University of Technology Range emergency medicine projects, particularly in the field of improving service delivery. One of original founders of EMF.
Professor John Fraser The Prince Charles Hospital/The University of Queensland An intensive care specialist, Prof Fraser is playing key role in emergency medicine areas such as sepsis, respiratory illness and trauma
A/Professor Jeremy Furyk The Townsville Hospital/James Cook University Key research areas include convulsive status epilepticus and trial of new treatment for kidney stones
Professor Geoff Isbister The University of Newcastle/ Calvary Mater Newcastle Toxicologist Prof Isbister works closely with emergency medicine researchers to improve outcomes from venomous bites and drug overdoses.
Professor Gerben Keijzers Gold Coast University Hospital./Bond University 50+ peer-reviewed publications; involvement in a wide range of projects
Dr  David Green Gold Coast University Hospital/ Griffith University Played a key role in developing a  new software package, the Patient Admission Prediction Tool (PAPT), which helps hospital emergency departments predict demand on their services
Associate Professor Ed Oakley Murdoch Childrens Research Institute/The Royal Children’s Hospital Research into better treatments for children and establishment of the Paediatric Emergency Medicine, clinical trials network (PREDICT)
Associate Professor Andreas Schibler Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital/The University of Queensland A paediatric intensive care specialist, A/Prof Schibler has led research into improving treatment for babies with respiratory illness in the emergency department.
Associate Professor Jamie Seymour James Cook University A leading toxicologist, A/Prof Seymour is working closely with emergency medicine researchers to improve treatment for jellyfish stings
Dr Michael Sinnott Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane/The University of Queensland/ Griffith University Involved in numerous research projects; work led to new handwashing standards for Australian hospitals
Dr Andrew Staib Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane/The University of Queensland ED-inpatient dashboard
Professor David Taylor  Austin Health Prof Taylor’s research has led to several changes in clinical care, including a decrease in the time taken for children to receive pain medication.
Professor Marianne Wallis University of the Sunshine Coast 120+ publications; focus on improving the nursing care of hospitalised patients, particularly in the emergency department


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