Results for Research Capacity Building

Most clinical staff working in the ED are clinical facing, allowing little to no time to develop research or their skills in research. The primary aim of the CBG is to support, develop, and undertake research of importance for Robina ED with Robina ED staff, HHS Executives, and consumers.

Our strategic vision for the CBG is to have research an integral part of clinical practice and education at Robina ED and that guidelines and policies are informed by our research. It will be guided by the GCH ED Research Strategy which has 4 goals: 1) Organise emergency care research; 2) Build and streamline research capacity; 3) Promote excellence, relevance, and impact of research; and 4) Develop, strengthen, and sustain research partnerships.

Structure: To build research capacity specifically for Robina ED staff, the structure will involve the employment of a Robina-based ED Research Fellow (part-time) and Research Nurse (part-time), as well as consultancy from a consumer advisor, and health economist/statistician (see budget); Engagement of health service executives, local and international university academics, collaborators from other agencies; and specific mentorship from other ED research leaders using tested frameworks (NASEM, 2019).

Expected benefits of the CBG include: active research engagement and collaboration leading to partnerships between Robina ED clinicians, researchers, HHS Executive, consumers and external collaborators in the development of 2 projects led by staff at Robina with support from researchers; the development and sustainment of capacity building mechanisms for: research involvement opportunities for Robina ED clinicians, dissemination of research updates and findings, and research mentorship.


Research Capacity Building Grant – The Prince Charles Hospital

The proposed Research Capacity Building grant aims to increase participation in research, strengthen the research culture and ensure that research becomes core business within The Prince Charles Hospital Emergency Department (TPCH-ED). The strategic vision includes strengthening of systems and structures that enable researchers, both novice and experienced, across all disciplines to participate in high-leverage, practice-changing research activities, with a view to embedding a research culture into day-to-day practice. A core element is the strengthening of collaborations between departments, across disciplines and with other health facilities. The proposed strategy is the training of a group of research nurses to equip them with the foundation skills, knowledge, and preliminary experience to actively promote and support research in the department. The model is one of appointment of experienced clinical nurses, new to research roles, in part-time sequential appointments. Recruitment from existing ED workforce would be ideal, allowing retention of a substantive position which the researcher would return to after the research immersion. This would assist in embedding a research culture amongst clinical nurses and provide opportunity for continuation of research engagement on return to clinical duties. The expected benefit of this approach is that there will be a highly visible research focus within the ED, with multiple opportunities for engagement, underpinned by the premise that depth and breadth in a research group, rather than reliance on a few key individuals, is paramount. This proposal would ensure that research enthusiasm and knowledge is shared across a multidisciplinary group of dedicated individuals and retained within the organization.


Research Capacity Building Grant – Townsville University Hospital

The aim of the proposed EMF grant is to enable Townsville University Hospitals' emergency department (TUH DEM) to create a stable platform for prolific, innovative and translational research. Further more, it will contribute to the strategic vision of TUH DEM being a centre of excellence in EM research and innovation that delivers high-quality emergency care. The research capacity building grant will support an Emergency Medicine Clinical Research Coordinator to assist research active emergency clinicians in sustaining ongoing projects, designing and conducting new high-quality, outcome-oriented projects, nurturing the next generation of EM researchers and embedding research into daily business of TUH-DEM.


Research Capacity Building Grant – Retrieval Services Queensland

We propose to establish a 0.4FTE Research Coordinator role at RSQ to lead development of research capacity and culture within the agency, and provide support across our partner organisations – Lifeflight Retrieval Medicine (LRM) and the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) – QLD Section.

The Research Coordinator will provide a dedicated research focused role that will form part of the Research Leadership Team within RSQ, reporting to the RSQ Clinical Director for Research and Evaluation. They will be a key liaison with research partners and collaborators across the broader health sector, working closely with the Clinical Director.

It is anticipated that through the provision of dedicated research expertise and resourcing this position will greatly assist with the development of research capacity and culture within RSQ, and in turn RFDS and LRM. The proposed contribution of this role to the development of an RSQ Research Strategy will support identification of areas of research priority for the agency and provide a platform to foster collaborations with clinicians and researchers with shared interests, thereby building RSQ’s research network. Importantly, establishment of a Research Governance Framework will increase accessibility to RSQ data, staff and patients for the purpose of research, whilst providing a clear and risk managed process for overseeing all research activities, which is a vital function in supporting the agency’s growing research capacity.


Research Capacity Building Grant – Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service

The aim of this application is to increase participation in research, strengthen research culture and systematize research processes within SCHHS ED. The strategic vision is the development of systems and structures that encourage and support researchers and invite participation in research. The central element of this application is the implementation of a Research Manager who will establish processes for tracking and applying for grants, completing research governance requirements, recruiting and supporting new researchers, and developing networks. To ensure there is minimal disruption to the ongoing research activity of SCHHS ED while the Research Manager role is being implemented this grant will also include funding for a 0.1 FTE Research CN. The support from these positions will be extended to the SCHHS Trauma Service, which is an important partner to the ED and is early stages of developing research capability. The expected benefit of this grants is that there will be a more prominent research culture in the ED, there will be more research projects within the ED, and the ED will achieve greater success in applying for research grants.


Transforming Emergency Healthcare

EMF funding is improving emergency care for the elderly

Trauma: better treatment for severe bleeding

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