
Each and every day, the Emergency Medicine Foundation is working hard to find better ways to save lives. To enable us to provide the best possible support to our stakeholders and the public, we invite you to provide feedback or suggestions, or let us know if you have an issue or complaint. We value your input and thank you for taking the time to provide your comments. If you’d prefer to speak with a staff member directly, please contact us.

Feedback Form

EMF is committed to helping save the lives of many Australians and we welcome feedback or suggestions as to how we can improve this service and the information on this website.

    Transforming Emergency Healthcare

    Trauma: better treatment for severe bleeding

    2023 – 2024 Annual Report now available online

    View Online
    CONTACT US +61 7 3112 8668 Suite 1A 34 Sherwood Road Toowong, Qld 4066