New grants announced

December 2021

The Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF) has announced funding for six new research projects.

The research, led by clinician-researchers from five metropolitan and regional Queensland hospitals, was funded in the final EMF grant round for 2021.

Six grants were awarded across the JumpStart and Leading Edge schemes, supporting research into the management of mental health crises, traumatic brain injury, stroke, and coronary artery disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Demonstrating the diversity of research funded by EMF, studies to improve insertion of intravenous cannulas and delivering culturally appropriate care for patients in the emergency department (ED) also received grants.

Through its flagship Queensland Research Program, EMF is supporting a better future for the healthcare system – as emergency departments and hospital services face increasing pressure.

EMF General Manager Beth Chapman said the extensive experience and skill required by emergency healthcare workers is reflected in the broad range of research grant applications received each year.

“Emergency clinicians must be prepared for anything and armed with the latest information to care for patients of all ages, presenting with any illness or injury,” said Beth.

“EMF funds clinician-led research because those at the frontline of emergency medical care are best placed to develop practical solutions for problems or questions that are common to many EDs.

“Clinician-led research that supports system efficiency, frontline staff wellbeing, and enhanced patient care is prioritised,” said Beth.

With Queensland Health funding, EMF supports clinician-researchers providing direct care to patients within hospital emergency departments, the Queensland Ambulance Service or Retrieval Services Queensland.

Round 36 grants were awarded to emergency nurses, an occupational therapist as well as emergency specialists and an ED Director.

The first Emerge recipients are also expected to be announced early in 2022. EMF introduced Emerge grants for clinicians to develop new research skills under the guidance of a mentor, with up to $10,000 available for projects that can be achieved within twelve months.

Congratulations to all 2021 EMF grant recipients! Round 37 opens on 31 January 2022. Check the EMF grants calendar for dates and details.


Principal Investigator (PI)
Project Title
PI Institution
Amount awarded


Dr Richard Stone A community of practice to strengthen pre-hospital interventions and post-discharge care strategies for persons experiencing mental health crises in north Queensland hospitals. Cairns Hospital


Leading Edge
Dr Vinay Gangathimmaiah Identifying RNA-based blood markers in Emergency Department patients with suspected acute ischaemic stroke arising from large vessel occlusion Townsville University Hospital


Ms Lauren Heslop An Occupational Therapy Pathway for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury ED presentations across the lifespan: A Non-Contemporaneous Cohort Comparison Study Gold Coast University Hospital 


Dr Ya-Ling Huang Exploring Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in the Emergency Department (CALD ED) study Gold Coast University Hospital


Dr Katrina Starmer Coronary Artery Disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Cairns Hospital


Ms Hui (Grace) Xu Does LOng peripheral intraVEnous catheter with retractable coiled tip guidewire optimise first insertion success rate for patients with Difficult IntraVenous Access in emergency department: a randomised controlled trial (LOVE-DIVA) QEII



Transforming Emergency Healthcare

EMF funding is improving emergency care for the elderly

Trauma: better treatment for severe bleeding

Applying for a grant? Make use of our application guidelines, SmartyGrants guide, application templates and other resources to help make the process easier.


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