Research Portfolio

A randomised controlled trial of intravenous paracetamol and oral paracetamol to control acute pain

Pain is a common reason for presentation to the emergency department. In 78–86% of Australian emergency department presentations pain is a primary component and therefore represents a major clinical care issue. However, numerous studies have shown that pain is poorly managed in the emergency department. This project aims to provide evidence that intravenous (IV) paracetamol produces superior analgesia than oral paracetamol in the emergency department setting and that IV paracetamol produces good patient satisfaction, few side-effects and reduced length of hospital stay. To date the majority of trials into the effectiveness of IV paracetamol have focused on specific disease states…

Principal Investigator: Dr Benjamin Close
Amount Awarded: $40,870.00


Measuring quality of care for musculoskeletal injuries in the Emergency Department.

The increasing demand on emergency health care in Australia has seen recent emphasis on clinical redesign initiatives that are focused on time-based performance measures and activity-based funding. While congestion in emergency departments continues, and emphasis is placed on reaching these time targets, the quality of care that patients receive when presenting with non-life threatening injuries is potentially compromised. To date, there is a lack of high-level evidence surrounding the type of quality indicators (QIs) that should be used in EDs to measure quality of care. This project will develop QIs for care of patients who present to EDs with musculoskeletal…

Principal Investigator: Dr Anthony Bell
Amount Awarded: $274,969


Envenomation, first aid and critical care of tropical jellyfish stings

Queensland is currently recognised as the leader in the field of jellyfish envenoming treatment. Many of the treatments for jellyfish stings are not evidence based and data is emerging that suggests that some of the treatments may do more harm to jellyfish sting victims than good. This project will investigate three major areas of present contention: • Is vinegar a suitable first aid for jellyfish stings? • Can the survival rate of victims stung by big box jellyfish be increased by simply continuing CPR for extended periods? • Can readily available and used drugs be the answer to the ever-increasing…

Principal Investigator: A/Prof Mark Little
Amount Awarded: $344,340.00


Critical Evaluation of a Targeted Point of Care ROTEM and Multiplate Guided Coagulation and Haemostasis Management Program in Severe Trauma and Critical Bleeding

In this project, the team investigated how to assess and treat patients with clotting disorders as a result of trauma and severe bleeding. Patients with severe trauma and critical bleeding have a high risk of death from haemorrhage and the complications associated with large volume blood transfusion. The ability of the patient to form a blood clot will be assessed using a ROTEM/multiplate device. This device gives an in-depth assessment of the patient’s clotting and allows specific treatment to be targeted at specific clotting defects. Using this technology, the investigators hope to reduce the amount of bleeding in these cases…

Principal Investigator: Dr Donald Campbell
Amount Awarded: $69,263


Children’s Rules for Imaging the Cervical Spine Evaluation Study

In this study, clinicians looked at all children presenting to the ED over a 12 month period for the assessment of possible cervical spine injury to better understand how children are treated in hospital and how further investigation into the use of these rules can be undertaken. Children rarely break their necks but if they do, they can risk spinal injury or death. Many more children present for assessment of possible cervical spine (neck) injuries than are subsequently diagnosed with cervical spine injury. The challenge for the emergency doctor is to identify the rare cases without subjecting too many children…

Principal Investigator: Dr Natalie Phillips
Amount Awarded: $69,930

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