Round 39 grant recipients

Collaboration key for projects funded in latest EMF Queensland Research Program round

31 July 2023

Establishing faster and cheaper ways to better diagnose patients in the emergency department, and delivering online training for rural and remote emergency nurses are among the projects funded in the latest round of the Queensland Research Program from the Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF).

Almost $900,000 in funding has been awarded across nine research grants in Round 39 of the grants program, with the research projects and teams representing a wide range of subject areas across emergency and prehospital medicine.

General Manager of EMF, Dr Angie Nguyen Vu, said the latest round of recipients demonstrated not only the diversity of research opportunities in emergency medicine but also the collaborative nature of the discipline.

“The projects and researchers that have received funding in this round are those that are taking the next step in their research careers and journeys, whether they are widening their previous research to other hospitals and sites, working towards attracting further funding from national granting bodies or looking to translate their research into practice.

“We are excited to see many collaborative projects in this round, across different hospitals, specialties, and even outside of Queensland Health.

“A great example is the research being done by Dr Claire Bertenshaw at Queensland Ambulance Service with injured prisoners at correctional facilities, as one of our Jumpstart grant recipients.

“Her team will work in partnership with Queensland Correctional Services and Queensland Health to upskill and increase resourcing for paramedics and prison nursing staff to treat inmates with minor injuries at the prison health centres, to reduce unnecessary transport and presentations at hospital EDs for treatment. This will reduce risk and strain on resources, costs, and time, and benefits clinicians, other ED patients, and prisoner health care.

“We talk a lot about the wait times and pressure in emergency departments, but what’s important to remember is emergency care and patient outcomes are also influenced by what happens before and after someone arrives in ED.

“Several of our other recipients are evaluating the efficacy of one specific treatment or test over another for a variety of illnesses and injuries, to try to reduce time, resources, and money spent in care but with the same or improved outcomes,” Dr Nguyen Vu said.

The Queensland Research Program has five grant schemes all targeting researchers and projects at different stages, from new research to large-scale projects, with all aiming to build and foster cultures of research in Queensland emergency departments, prehospital, and retrieval medicine environments.

EMF Board Chair Prof Hugh Grantham ASM said EMF funding was critical to ensure the research projects could proceed.

“What makes EMF unique is emergency medicine is a specialised but also highly diverse field, where small innovations and simple interventions really can have a significant impact. Many of these kinds of projects would fly under the radar and not attract research funding without EMF.

“We’re also unique as a lot of this research is being done in real-time while treating patients, so the research is easily translatable into practice,” said Prof Grantham.

A study being undertaken by A/Prof Colin Banks at Townsville University Hospital and across three other Queensland hospitals is one such example. A/Prof Banks has received a Project grant to further existing research into whether low-risk patients can be safely assessed for presence of potentially fatal pulmonary embolism (PE) blood clots through clinical decision criteria or by a simple blood test for D-Dimer protein levels.

This would replace the need for lengthy and costly chest scans which are often unnecessary for patients deemed low-risk. Potential benefits for patients include reduced radiation exposure and length of stay; and reduction of cost, wait times, and access block for hospitals.

Round 40 of the Queensland Research Program is currently accepting applications, with Jumpstart and Leading Edge schemes closing on 4 August, and Emerge grants for clinicians new to research closing on 1 September.
The Queensland Research Program is funded by the Queensland Government through Queensland Health.

Queensland Research Program grant schemes

Emerge: Funding for clinicians new to research, up to $10,000, maximum term up to one year

Jumpstart: Seed funding for innovative research involving new collaborations and teams, up to $40,000, maximum term up to one year

Leading Edge: Seed funding for innovative research with potential for future funding by other granting bodies, up to $100,000, maximum term up to two years

Project: Funding for larger research projects, preferably for collaboration across multiple sites and disciplines, up to $300,000 (maximum $100,000 per year), maximum term of three years. (Offered in the first grant round of the year.)

Research Capacity Building: up to $100,000, maximum term up to three years, to foster research culture within an emergency department, prehospital, or retrieval medicine environment.


Successful grants in EMF Queensland Research Program Round 39

Principal Investigator (PI)
Project Title
PI Institution
Amount Awarded
Research Capacity Building
Dr Vinay Gangathimmaiah Research Capacity Building, Townsville University Hospital. Townsville University Hospital $98,108
Dr Faye Jordan Research Capacity Building, The Prince Charles Hospital. The Prince Charles Hospital $93,337
Dr Dan Bodnar Validation of a Modified Fibrinogen on Admission with Trauma (FibAT) Score in the Australian Setting. Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital $39,952
Dr Claire Bertenshaw Innovative Corrective Services and Ambulance Response Evaluation (ICARE): A Queensland Ambulance and Queensland Corrective Services initiative to improve the management of prisoners with minor orthopaedic injuries. Queensland Ambulance Service $32,840
Leading Edge
A/Prof Jaimi Greenslade Treatment for nausea and vomiting: A multi-arm double-blind, placebo-controlled trial comparing the efficacy of droperidol, metoclopramide, and ondansetron for patients in the prehospital setting. Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital $99,527
Dr Frances Williamson Can interactive online learning using enhanced technology adequately teach trauma-based procedural skills to emergency nursing clinicians? Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital $97,469
A/Prof Colin Banks Suspected Pulmonary Embolism Exclusion with D-dimers in Emergency Departments (SPEED-ED). Townsville University Hospital $169,095
Prof Gerben Keijzers A randomised controlled trial of plasmalyte versus normal saline as resuscitation and maintenance fluid therapy for patients presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis (BEST-DKA) BalancEd fluids vs Saline Trial in Diabetic KetoAcidosis. Gold Coast University Hospital $164,384
Dr Natalie Phillips SPASMS: Study of Paediatric Appendicitis Scores and Management Strategies. Queensland Children’s Hospital $99,442


Transforming Emergency Healthcare

EMF funding is improving emergency care for the elderly

Trauma: better treatment for severe bleeding

Applying for a grant? Make use of our application guidelines, SmartyGrants guide, application templates and other resources to help make the process easier.


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