Research Symposium

In August 2017, EMF held a Research Symposium to mark its 10th anniversary. With more than 40 international and Australian speakers, the Symposium attracted almost 200 delegates from the emergency medicine profession, academia, government and industry. The event formed a strategic platform for up-skilling individuals in research capability; informing delegates on the latest research; and actively shaping the future of emergency medicine research in Australia.

As part of the Symposium, EMF in collaboration with the PREDICT network and Queensland Health, ran a one day Acute Care Research and Translation Workshop.

In addition, the Foundation also hosted a twilight wine and cheese awards event to celebrate its 10th anniversary and recognise a number of individuals who have had a significant impact on emergency medicine in Queensland through the development of EMF.

EMF would like to thank the Symposium sponsors and exhibitors, in particular the overall Symposium sponsor, The University of Queensland. Our thanks also to the Philia String Quartet for providing the music at the wine and cheese event as well as Michael and Susan from Yelland and Papps and Black Pearl Epicure.


Transforming Emergency Healthcare

EMF funding is improving emergency care for the elderly

Trauma: better treatment for severe bleeding

2023 – 2024 Annual Report now available online

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