Latest EMF grant recipients for 2019

August 2019

Emergency healthcare solutions for children with sepsis, adults with hip fractures, and patients experiencing chest pain or who need end-of-life care, are at the heart of the latest research to be awarded grant funding by the Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF).

EMF has awarded nine new grants worth $699,662 to fund emergency healthcare research projects thanks to funding from Queensland Health.

The projects were selected from grant applications submitted by Queensland emergency healthcare clinician-researchers, requesting more than $1.8 million in funding.

EMF General Manager, Dr Sonĵ Hall said there was significant breadth and depth to the quality emergency healthcare research projects that would soon be underway thanks to EMF grant funding.

“Once again our independent scientific reviewers were impressed by the quality of applications submitted from across the State,” said Dr Hall. “We anticipate a strong, new evidence-base to support new solutions to improve outcomes for patients needing emergency care.”

In a first for EMF, an emergency healthcare research grant was awarded to the Queensland Ambulance Service, with almost $35,000 to support a study aimed at reducing the rate of unnecessary cannulations in emergency settings.

The reaction of emergency services when disasters strike in Queensland will be the subject of a $63,000 Princess Alexandra Hospital study, while Logan Hospital researchers will investigate the merits of using a meditation App to reduce ED occupational stress in staff. Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital will aim to establish a safer method of chest pain assessment, with just over $93,000 in EMF grant funding.

Two North Queensland hospitals will share in almost $200,000 to conduct separate studies. Clinicians at The Townsville Hospital will aim to find better ways to manage pain in adults with hip fractures.

Gold Coast University Hospital (GCUH) researchers will use their $40,000 grant funding to investigate whether assessing parental concern can improve sepsis recognition in children. In a separate study, GCUH clinical staff will also investigate using ultrasound by the bedside to diagnose forearm fractures in children after securing $159,000 grant funding. Older patients are set to benefit as well, with the hospital to use more than $88,000 in research grant funding to gain a better understanding of end-of-life care for older people presenting to the ED.

The next EMF Queensland Research Program grant round opens for applications in February 2020.

The EMF Queensland Program is funded by Queensland Health.


Principal Investigator (PI)
Project Title
PI Institution
Amount awarded
Jumpstart grant
Mr Hugo Evison Clinician decision making in peripheral intravenous cannulation in emergency settings Queensland Ambulance Service


Mrs Grace Xu uSing Meditation App to Reduce ED occupational sTress – SMART trial Logan Hospital (Metro South HHS)


Ms Amanda Harley Can assessment of parental concern improve sepsis recognition in children? Gold Coast University Hospital (Gold Coast Health)


Leading Edge grant
Mrs Sarah Weber Reaction of Emergency Services uPON Disasters in Queensland Princess Alexandra (Metro South HHS)


Dr Jaimi Greenslade Providing a safe and efficient method of chest pain assessment Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital
(Metro North HHS)


Dr Nemat Alsaba Understanding end-of-life care for older people presenting to the ED Gold Coast University Hospital (Gold Coast Health)


Project grant
Dr Peter Snelling Using bedside ultrasound to diagnose forearm fractures in children Gold Coast University Hospital (Gold Coast Health)


Dr Kate Hooper Better ways of pain management in adults with hip fractures The Townsville Hospital (Townsville HHS) $82,872
Dr Katrina Starmer Coronary Artery Disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Cairns Hospital



Posted: 20 August 2019


Transforming Emergency Healthcare

EMF funding is improving emergency care for the elderly

Trauma: better treatment for severe bleeding

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