How grants are awarded

November 2021

Ever wondered what happens after you apply for an Emergency Medicine Foundation grant?

Through the Queensland Research Program, EMF runs two grant rounds per year, in addition to special funding programs.

As each grant round closes, EMF selects peer reviewers from its Research Evaluation Panel (REP) with the most relevant skills and experience to rigorously evaluate all applications.

Featuring both clinical and academic perspectives, the REP ensures the most scientifically robust research projects, with a strong focus on patient outcomes and health system efficiency, are prioritised.

Director of Emergency at Townsville University Hospital and REP member, Associate Professor Luke Lawton described the important role of clinicians in keeping the grant selection process relevant to frontline care.

“I like to think that emergency physicians who are key stakeholders in EMF’s work bring that real world perspective and align scientific research with real-world application,” said Luke.

Fellow REP member, Dr Lisa Sharwood brings extensive experience as an injury epidemiologist, clinician and researcher to the review process and advocates for clinician-led research.

“It is a unique and important opportunity that those working at the frontline of the healthcare system can bring clinically important questions to the EMF in funding applications,” said Lisa.

The REP works alongside the EMF Research Committee, featuring eight experts in their field with a wealth of experience who guide strategic decision-making around research.

Through her roles as REP Chair and Research Committee member, Distinguished Professor Patsy Yates AM is committed to strengthening the nexus between research, policy and clinical practice.

“High quality emergency healthcare services not only save lives, but also ensure the most efficient use of increasingly diminishing health care resources. Supporting good quality research in this field could make a major difference to health outcomes of our community,” said Patsy.

Research Committee member, Associate Professor Bernice Redley emphasises the vital role and benefits of research in raising issues that matter to both clinicians and patients.

With 35 years’ experience as an emergency nurse, educator, manager and successful researcher, Bernice has also contributed to government policy for emergency department operations.

“I have seen dramatic changes in emergency care, both clinically and the care models used to manage patient flow. None of this would have been possible without the leadership of clinicians with research skills,” said Bernice.

The patient experience has been further highlighted with the appointment of consumer representative Maureen Williams to the Research Committee.

Maureen is a passionate patient advocate. She has a long association with ACEM and is involved in several research projects, including with NSW Health.

“I hope to give patients a voice. I am interested in ways to make emergency departments more user-friendly for patients, especially the elderly and those with poor language skills,” said Maureen.

Keep up to date with announcements and grant round dates by subscribing to the EMF newsletter or follow @emfresearch on social media.


Transforming Emergency Healthcare

EMF funding is improving emergency care for the elderly

Trauma: better treatment for severe bleeding

Applying for a grant? Make use of our application guidelines, SmartyGrants guide, application templates and other resources to help make the process easier.


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