Results for LifeFlight

Predicting in-flight hypotension in aeromedical trauma patients

In-flight hypotension (low blood pressure) leading to patient deterioration is a common and challenging clinical problem in aeromedical trauma patients. Predicting this risk is currently primarily based on clinical gestalt, without specific validated risk prediction tools. The Triage Revised Trauma Score (TRTS) is a clinical risk prediction tool calculated using only vital signs, making it well suited to the resource-limited pre-hospital environment.

A Life Flight Retrieval Medicine internal audit in 2021 suggested an association between the TRTS and in-flight hypotension for trauma patients. Based on these preliminary findings, this study will address the research question, “what is the relationship between pre-flight TRTS and in-flight hypotension in trauma patients undergoing aeromedical retrieval?”.

Knowledge gained from this study may allow aeromedical doctors to make more informed decisions about their patients before aeromedical transport.


Ketamine versus propofol in sedation of psychiatric patients requiring retrieval

In this study, we will compare the safety and effectiveness of ketamine and propofol in sedating acute psychiatric patients needing aeromedical retrieval. We believe that this is the first trial of its kind which will elucidate the complications, the safety profile and effectiveness of the two drugs in sedating acute psychiatric patients. The study will be a prospective, open-labelled, randomised controlled trial. Patients will be drawn the Northern Territory and Queensland. Through this study, we will better inform clinicians in their choice of a suitable sedation agent and potential provide an additional sedation choice in aeromedical and other critical care environments. Furthermore, this research has the potential to establish sedation guidelines in the aeromedical retrieval of acute psychiatric patients for Australia and internationally.


Transforming Emergency Healthcare

EMF funding is improving emergency care for the elderly

Trauma: better treatment for severe bleeding

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