Grant ID: EMLE-201R36-2021-XU

Project Summary

Peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVCs) are small plastic tubes placed in a patient’s vein for the delivery of intravenous fluid and medications. In the emergency department, many patients present with difficult intravenous access and require multiple insertion attempts to successfully place a PIVC. This can be time consuming for clinical staff, costly for hospitals, and painful for patients. Correct device selection is a key strategy to ensure first-time insertion success.

This study will recruit 406 adult participants at two emergency departments in order to test if novel PIVCs with a retractable guidewire (AccuCath Ace™ Intravascular Cannula, BD), compared to standard care, are effective at increasing first-time insertion success for patients with difficult vascular access.



- Xu, H.G., Corley, A., Ware, R.S., Nghiem, S., Stirling, S., Wang, C., Marsh, N., 2022. Using a LOng peripheral intraVEnous catheter with retractable guidewire to optimise first-insertion success for patients with Difficult IntraVenous Access in the emergency department (LOVE-DIVA): A study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Vascular Access, 16(2), 41-49.


- Xu, H.G. (2023) An innovative device for Difficult Venous Access in ED- Is this a good solution? 20th International Conference for Emergency Nurses, Perth, Australia, 4-6 October 2023.

- Xu, H.G. (2023) Difficult vascular access (invited oral presentation). 22nd International Conference on Emergency Medicine, Netherlands, 13-16 June 2023.


Amount Awarded


Grant Scheme


Principal Investigator:
Ms Hui (Grace) Xu

Co Investigators:
Dr Scott Stirling
Dr Carrie Wang
Ms Amanda Corley
Prof Rob Ware
Dr Son Nghiem
Prof Nicole Marsh

Associate Investigators:
Ms Karen Green


Collaborating Institutions

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