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- Evaluating the coverage, characteristics, and enablers of the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section)’s telehealth, medical chest and aeromedical retrieval model of trauma care
- PINNACLE: Physiotherapists INjectiNg the AnaesthetiC Lidocaine in Emergency
- Improved Respiratory Support in Remote Settings for Children: A Paediatric Acute Respiratory Intervention Study (PARIS), PARIS on Country
- Does a Vascular Access Specialist Model in the Emergency Department (VAS-ED) improve peripheral intravenous catheter outcomes? A Randomised Controlled Trial
- Efficacy of pressure pad vs pressure bandage immobilisation for snake bite first aid
- The feasibility of point-of-care ultrasound conducted by physiotherapists for the diagnosis of ankle syndesmosis injuries in the Emergency Department: A diagnostic study
- Evaluating the effectiveness of pre-hospital fibrinogen concentrate administration for major haemorrhage
- Comparison of pressure points versus tourniquet application for first aid control of arterial bleeding in beachgoers: a randomised controlled cross over trial
- Biomarkers for rapid diagnosis of paediatric sepsis
- The Kids Pain Collaborative: A collaborative implementation study of acute paediatric pain care in an outer metropolitan, mixed emergency department
- A structures, process and outcome evaluation of the Residential Aged care District Assessment and Referral Rapid Response (RADAR RR) model
- How are hypertensive urgencies managed in emergency departments in Queensland?
- Retrospective analysis of GEDI impact on older adult patients presenting to the emergency department with a positive delirium screen (4AT)
- Application of the HEART score to the “intermediate risk” patient group may help identify those who are at lowest risk of cardiac events, therefore, not benefit from further testing
- Contactless vital sign monitoring to improve Patient Safety in Emergency Department Waiting Rooms: A prospective, single-site, pilot study
- A retrospective cohort review study of patients with Primary Immune Deficiency (PID) who have presented to the emergency department (ED) with a fever
- Ambulance Telehealth: Comparing Telehealth Outcomes of Non-English Speaking Patients to English Proficient Patients
- Innovative Corrective Services and Ambulance Response Evaluation (ICARE): A Queensland Ambulance and Queensland Corrective Services initiative to improve the management of prisoners with minor orthopaedic injuries.
- Can interactive online learning using enhanced technology adequately teach trauma-based procedural skills to emergency nursing clinicians?
- Suspected Pulmonary Embolism Exclusion with D-dimers in Emergency Departments (SPEED-ED)
- A randomised controlled trial of plasmalyte versus normal saline as resuscitation and maintenance fluid therapy for patients presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis (BEST-DKA) BalancEd fluids vs Saline Trial in Diabetic KetoAcidosis
- Validation of a Modified Fibrinogen on Admission with Trauma (FibAT) Score in the Australian Setting
- Research Capacity Building Grant - The Prince Charles Hospital
- Research Capacity Building Grant - Townsville University Hospital
- SPASMS: Study of Paediatric Appendicitis Scores and Management Strategies
- Treatment for nausea and vomiting: A multi-arm double blind, placebo-controlled trial comparing the efficacy of droperidol, metoclopramide, and ondansetron for patients in the prehospital setting.
- Research Capacity Building Grant - Retrieval Services Queensland
- Research Capacity Building Grant - Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service
- optimiSed PAtient Flow using prEhoSpital Triage (safest)
- SAFE STEPS – SAFE and Seamless Transition through Enhanced Proactive Support
- Criteria Led Discharge from Emergency Department Short Stay Unit
- Paeds with a wheeze - Improving patient flow with Nurse Led Stretching of Inhaled Salbutamol (NLSIS)
- Safety and efficacy prehospital procedural sedation for fracture and dislocation reduction
- Point of care lactate testing for the earlier recognition, antimicrobial administration, and definitive management of Paediatric Sepsis in the Emergency Department
- Ultrasound-guided supraclavicular block versus Bier block for closed reduction of upper extremity injuries in the emergency department: an open-label, non-inferiority, randomised control trial
- Pharmacological Emergency management of Agitation in Children and Young People – randomised controlled trials of Oral and intraMuscular medication: PEAChY-O and PEAChY-M
- Prothrombinex-VF® for coagulopathy of liver disease in acutely bleeding patients; Too much of a good thing?
- Relief of chest pain in the Emergency Department (RELIEF)
- Diabetes Service Mapping After Hours
- Consumer engagement in emergency healthcare research: A national cross-sectional study
- Assessment of emergency presentations, outcomes and departmental impact of patients presenting after COVID-19 immunisation to a tertiary Paediatric Emergency Department.
- External Ventricular Devices in Aeromedical Retrieval- Are they Safe?
- Paediatric peripheral intravenous cannulation package to improve practice: the experience of a mixed metropolitan Emergency Department.
- Predicting in-flight hypotension in aeromedical trauma patients
- Maximising the effects of feedback in regional emergency medicine
- Trials in Emergency for Advancing Management of Sepsis: TEAM SEPSIS
- National Emergency Department Stress, Coping and Intention to Leave Survey: DESTRESS
- Deadly Steps in the Emergency Department with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consumers: an evaluation of a co-design cultural safety improvement and awareness tool
- Aeromedical Retrieval of people with Acute Behavioural Disturbance in Queensland – ELEVATE Study
- Composition, Quality and Delivery of Major Haemorrhage Protocols (MHP) and critical bleeding clinical practice guidelines in hospitals across Queensland Health
- Vasopressor Infusion via Peripheral vs Central Access in emergency department patients with shock - The VIPCA RCT
- Study to Analyse Patient Flow in Queensland Public Hospitals
- Interhospital transfer of mTBI in rural and remote Queensland – can “low-value” transfers be avoided?
- REPRIEVE: Rural/Remote Emergency Pain Relief Investigation and Evaluation
- Evaluation of older patients with minor blunt head trauma to identify those who do not have clinically important Traumatic Brain Injury and can be safely managed without cranial Computed Tomography
- Applications of a novel neurosurgical service accessibility index to improve emergency care of people sustaining a road trauma-related traumatic brain injury in Queensland
- Does the Clinical Frailty Scale predict re-presentations to the ED in elderly community-dwelling people following an initial presentation from a fall?
- Endovascular Clot Retrieval Pathway for Acute Ischaemic Stroke: Outcomes After-Hours in an Australian Metropolitan ED
- Staff experiences of wellness activities at a major regional Queensland ED
- Identifying RNA-based blood markers in ED patients with suspected acute ischaemic stroke arising from large vessel occlusion
- A community of practice to strengthen pre-hospital interventions and post-discharge care for mental health crises in north Queensland hospitals
- An Occupational Therapy Pathway for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury ED presentations across the lifespan
- Coronary Artery Disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
- Exploring Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in the Emergency Department (CALD ED) study
- EEG in TRaumatic brAin INjury (EnTRAIN)
- Buddy-up: research reach, adoption, and implementation
- Cellulitis in the emergency department
- Subculture: Investigating the frequency and outcomes of subsequent blood cultures
- Extent of self-harm behaviour presenting to Queensland ED with mental health problems
- Lamotrigine Poisoning: an Australian TOxicology Monitoring (ATOM) Study
- Exploring the relationship between psychological safety in the workplace and in simulation based educational sessions for emergency department doctors and nurses
- From Big Data to the Bedside: answering big questions in emergency department pain care using artificial intelligence and patient-reported outcomes
- How long can a clinician wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) safely work in a high-risk isolation area during one continuous shift?
- D.dimer adjusted to low clinical probability in the diagnosis of suspected pulmonary embolism - is it safe in the urban emergency department?
- Interaction of hyperdynamic septic shock and sepsis endotypes: a new paradigm
- Emergency department treatment of the drowning victim
- PaNURAMA Inter-facility Transfer Tool: a validation study of the Paediatric Non-Urgent, Risk Assessment, Management and nurse escort Assessment Tool for safe children’s inter-facility Transfer
- Relief of chest pain in the emergency department (RELIEF)
- Emergency department waiting time predictions in real-time
- Intervention with concentrated albumin for resuscitation of undifferentiated sepsis (ICARUS): a randomised controlled trial
- Watch-house detainee emergency healthcare
- Modelling emergency department patient flow under normal operating conditions and in a pandemic
- Classifying the type and severity of traumatic injury in North Queensland: a multicentre retrospective study
- SONIC: Study of Neck Injuries in Children. A PREDICT study
- Can mobile robotic telepresence help clinicians safely deliver care to ED patients?
- SARS-CoV2 infection and immunity in frontline hospital staff during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Patterns of QLD ED presentations for older adults in three time periods: pre, peri and post COVID-19
- Comparison of respiratory supports in the mitigation or exacerbation of environmental droplet contamination following coughing
- The COVERED COVID study: Comprehensive Outcomes that VERify the impact on EDs from COVID-19
- Prospective Observational study of cannulation of Kids in the Emergency (POKIE)
- ED diabetic ketoacidosis presentations in people with type 1 diabetes: a pilot to improve clinical and public health system outcomes
- An evaluative study of a collaborative ED mental health program
- Patterns of prescription opioid use following ED presentation for minor road traffic crash injury
- Coronary Artery Disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
- Better ways of pain management in adults with hip fractures
- Using bedside ultrasound to diagnose forearm fractures in children
- Understanding end-of-life care for older people presenting to the ED
- Providing a safe and efficient method of chest pain assessment
- Reaction of Emergency Services uPON Disasters in Queensland
- Can assessment of parental concern improve sepsis recognition in children?
- uSing Meditation App to Reduce ED occupational sTress (SMART) trial
- Clinician decision making in peripheral intravenous cannulation in emergency settings
- The Crystalloid versus Albumin in tThe Resuscitation of Emergency Department Patients with Septic Shock (CARESS) trial inflammatory marker pilot study.
- Capacity Building Grant – third year: The Prince Charles Hospital
- Implementation of Nasal High Flow: A Remote Context
- Improving blood culture collections in the emergency department
- Paediatric Reduction in Emergency Cannula Accidental REmoval Trial – PRECARE trial
- Valuing patients’ experience in the emergency department
- Emergency Examination Authorities and their impacts on North Queensland Hospitals
- Improving the care of skin infections in the Torres Straits
- Can children be sedated effectively with only one needle?
- Understanding why aged care residents are transferred to the ED
- Junior doctors at triage improve patient flow in the ED
- Early resuscitation in paediatric sepsis
- Fluid resuscitation in emergency patients with sepsis and hypotension (ARISE Fluids)
- International mass gathering impact on Gold Coast Hospitals' emergency departments
- Capacity Building Grant – third year: Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
- Data Extraction from Electronic Health Records for a Chest Pain Clinical Data Registry: The Chest Pain DECoDeR Study
- Mixed methods study of the Geriatric Emergency Department Intervention (GEDI)
- Developing a regional strategy for reducing non-urgent emergency department presentations
- Examining the effectiveness of Brown snake antivenom
- Dermatology in the Emergency Department
- The impact of imaging referral guidelines on unnecessary x-ray examinations
- Reducing avoidable COPD emergency presentations: An integrated cross-health service initiative
- Single centre validation of the Canadian Syncope Risk Score
- Medication-related emergency department presentations
- Research capacity building: Redcliffe Hospital
- Evaluation of the Geriatric Emergency Department Intervention (GEDI) implementation
- Assessing Children's Head Injury: Variation in CT scan use (APHIRST-Gap)
- Preventing chronic pain after whiplash injury
- Rapid diagnosis of sepsis in acutely ill children
- Fibrinogen Early In Severe Trauma in children studY (FEISTY Junior)
- Data linkage & patient outcome study: Aeromedical services in Central Queensland
- How are we treating severe childhood asthma in Australasia?
- Domestic and family violence screening in the emergency department
- Randomised controlled trial of two antidote regimens for paracetamol overdose
- Point of care lung ultrasound in paediatric respiratory presentations
- Antibiotics in the Emergency Department
- Capacity Building Grant: Cairns Base Hospital
- Propofol on trial for headaches in the Emergency Department setting
- A brief psychological intervention to promote recovery after mild traumatic brain injury
- First aid oxygen treatment of divers with decompression sickness
- Evaluating rates of skin colonisation with MRSA or Group A Streptococci
- Ketamine versus propofol in sedation of psychiatric patients requiring retrieval
- Is prednisolone an effective treatment for Bell's Palsy in children?
- Link between clinical errors and emergency shift patterns
- Carotid doppler ultrasound with passive leg raise for fluid responsiveness
- Prescribing patterns and communication for oxycodone on ED discharge
- Will a replicable ultrasound training intervention improve intravenous cannulation processes?
- Research Scholarship Grant Dr Jeremy Furyk
- A data linkage and patient outcome study of Aeromedical Retrieval Services in Central Queensland.
- Too much of a good thing: does fluid resuscitation worsen septic shock?
- FEISTY - Fibrinogen Early In Severe Trauma study
- The Value of Avoiding the Pain of IV Catheter Failure.
- Patients transfers from rural hospitals – are we getting it right?
- Outcomes in Transfers of Head and Neck Trauma Patients for Neuroimaging to Toowoomba Base Hospital Emergency Department.
- Effect of Buddy Taping vs Plaster in Boxer’s Fractures (5thMC) –Buddy Study.
- Paced Electrocardiogram Requiring Fast Emergent Coronary Therapy (PERFECT) Study
- Point-of-care testing for better management of acutely ill remote patients.
- Ketamine vs Propofol in Sedation of Psychiatric/Psychotic Patients requiring Retrieval.
- Using a modified blood pressure cuff to prevent cell death for rural people suffering a heart attack or stroke.
- Research Scholarship Grant: Dr Jeremy Furyk
- Capacity Building Grant: The Townsville Hospital
- Noel Stevenson Research Scholarship: Dr Colin Page
- Frank Garlick Research Scholarship: Dr Joseph Ting
- The sepsis registry: A prospective database to characterise and facilitate improved outcome for admitted patients with community-acquired infection.
- Capacity Building Grant: Gold Coast University Hospital
- Capacity Building Grant: The Prince Charles Hospital
- Capacity Building Grant: Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
- Validation and Impact of the Four-Hour Rule in the Emergency Department
- Noel Stevenson Research Scholarship: Prof Louise Cullen
- Capacity Building Grant: Princess Alexandra Hospital
- Evaluation of therapeutic subclavian atrial compression
- Is Helicopter Transport Safe for Divers with Decompression Illness?
- Blind Prescribing and the prescribing preparedness of doctors in Emergency Departments.
- Development of a human cardiac myocyte assay for the production of lethal dose response curves for box jellyfish venoms: Can heat and intralipids be used as a treatment for cubozoan envenomings?
- A randomised, un-blinded trial of continuous infusion versus bolus dosing of flucloxacilin in the management of uncomplicated cellulitis in an Emergency Department Short Stay Ward.
- Ketamine alone versus propofol added to ketamine versus ketamine mixed in propofol for pediatric procedural sedation in emergency departments.
- Comparison of the Implementation of Interventions for Controlling Laboratory Blood Tests Ordering in Four Queensland Teaching Hospital Emergency Departments.
- Examining Sepsis in the Emergency Department
- Placement of antiseptic solution and hand lotion as a factor influencing hand hygiene compliance in the emergency department.
- Will a mandatory clinical debriefing program affect levels of psychological distress in Emergency Registrars.
- Cost effectiveness and Clinical outcomes of B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Point of Care Testing versus BNP Laboratory testing for Adults with Dyspnoea in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Nambour General Hospital.
- The effect of consecutive night shifts on the psychomotor performance of registrars working in the emergency department.
- ABC (Arm-banding, Barcoding, Compliance) of Patient Safety – Arm-banding the Emergency Patient – Does technology reduce patient misidentification of pathology specimens.
- Procedural sedation in the Emergency Department; A comprehensive analysis of a prospective registry of consecutive procedural sedations and telephone follow-up
- Regulatory systems for occupational exposures in emergency care: Contemporary challenges for the emergency physician in prevention, control and management.
- The effects of implementation of a tertiary survey tool for multi-trauma patients.
- A randomized controlled trial comparing patient controlled versus physician controlled sedation in the Emergency Department.
- Noel Stevenson Research Scholarship: A/Prof Peter Aitken
- Pilot project to assess measures of psychological impact of providing CPR on a related victim of cardiac arrest.
- Comparison of the quality and completeness of the medical record and the proportion of appropriate referrals for suspected abusive injury of young children.
- Optimisation of cardiac output in emergency patients through non invasive cardiac output monitoring in the acute resuscitation phase. What does it add?
- Prospective evaluation of an innovative system for online clinical assessment of practical skills (eCAPS) for Emergency Medicine residents and registrars.
- Pharmacokinetic Pharmacodynamics Understanding for Fentanyl Intra-Nasal for children in pain or during painful procedures: pilot study.
- The "Skills Training Options for Resuscitation in Kids" (STORK) Program
- Developing a quality framework for the care of older patients in the Emergency Department.
- End of Life Issues – Withdrawal of treatment/Decision to not treat in the Emergency Department: A prospective multi-centre study.
- A diagnostic accuracy study for predicting who should have an Advance Health Directive (AHD)
- CT coronary angiography assessment of emergency patients presenting with undifferentiated chest pain and intermediate risk of coronary artery disease.
- C.R.A.S.H. study: A randomised study of tissue oxygenation in an ovine model of haemorrhagic shock comparing the effect of colloid, fresh red cells, aged red cells and saline.
- Prospective cohort study of cardiac risk profile of Emergency Department patients with chest pain: a comparative analysis of risk stratification tools.
- Quality linking of health data to evaluate patient and health service outcomes and key performance indicators following the implementation of patient flow strategies.
- Australia, Asia and New Zealand Dyspnoea in Emergency Departments Study
- Drugs for the treatment of nausea and vomiting in adult patients in the emergency department setting
- A randomised controlled trial with parallel groups to determine if written instructions reduce contamination of clean-catch mid-stream urine samples.
- Describing health care use in a cohort of children 0-5 years in South East Queensland
- Decimalate: Use of an on-line Smart Test and survey to determine whether comprehension of decimals is a barrier to interpretation of clinical chemistry results among Emergency Department staff.
- To determine what factors inhibit interns from developing and/or recording their clinical impressions (diagnoses) and management plans following patient assessment.
- Single palmar injection versus double injection dorsal digital nerve block for finger injuries in the Emergency Department: A Randomised Clinical Trial.
- IVL-Gone: Assessment of the effect of skin glue on the function of a peripherally inserted intravenous line.
- Effect of IV Fluid Therapy in Patients with Uncomplicated Acute Alcoholic Intoxication presenting to the Emergency Department, a randomised trial.
- The Utility of Ultrasound for distinguishing heart failure from other causes of dyspnoea in older persons.
- Comparing intern’s assessments using mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (mini-CEX) with existing workplace based assessments in emergency medicine term.
- EASI – Efforts to Attenuate the Spread of Infection: A prospective, multi-centre microbiological survey of Ultrasound Equipment in Australian Emergency Departments and Intensive Care units.
- The impact of a new emergency department on patient presentations and ambulance service delivery
- Impact of the Emergency Department Patient Admissions Predictive Tool (EDPAPT)
- Identifying risk factors for MRSA
- Accelerated pathway in the assessment of suspected acute coronary syndrome in the Emergency Department: a diagnostic accuracy study.
- Ketamine IntraNasally Delivered in the Emergency Room: KINDER
- High Flow Nasal Cannula Treatment for Infants and Children with Acute Respiratory Failure – a Pilot Trial
- REstricted Fluid REsuscitation in Sepsis-related Hypotension (REFRESH)
- A Prospective Observational Cohort Study of Paediatric Status Epilepticus in Emergency Departments of Australia and New Zealand. The Status Epilepticus Australasian Registry for Children (SEARCh)
- Describing the experiences of social workers in a tertiary emergency department
- Development and validation of a psychometric tool to measure the risk propensity of junior emergency doctors.
- Examination of health care assessment practices and costs pre- and post- implementation of an accelerated chest pain assessment protocol.
- Sedation for Acute Agitation in Emergency Department Patients: Targeting Adverse Events (SIESTA)
- Ladder related injuries
- Qld pre-hospital study identifies trauma patients at risk of bleeding to death
- Exploring the practice of nurse-initiated medications in the emergency department
- The Cannulation Rates in ED Intervention Trial (CREDIT)
- The Breathe Easy Early Study: BEES
- Delivering emergency care in the watch house: an outcomes analysis.
- Reducing Emergency Department demand through expanded primary healthcare practice.
- Morale, stress and coping strategies of staff working in the emergency department: a national and international comparison.
- The HALT-IT trial: Tranexamic Acid for the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Bleeding, an International Trial
- Supplementing Pain Management in the ED – Conventional Treatment versus Intravenous Adjunctive Low Dose Ketamine (SPECIAL-K).
- Magnesium in Irukandji Syndrome Trial (MIST).
- Serum catecholamine levels in Irukandji Syndrome (IS)
- Validating the Manchester Acute Coronary Syndromes (MACS) Clinical Decision Rule
- A randomised controlled trial of intravenous paracetamol and oral paracetamol to control acute pain
- Measuring quality of care for musculoskeletal injuries in the Emergency Department.
- Envenomation, first aid and critical care of tropical jellyfish stings
- Critical Evaluation of a Targeted Point of Care ROTEM and Multiplate Guided Coagulation and Haemostasis Management Program in Severe Trauma and Critical Bleeding
- Children’s Rules for Imaging the Cervical Spine Evaluation Study
- Basel Syncope Evaluation Study: BASEL IX Study
- High Flow Nasal Cannula treatment for viral Bronchiolitis, a randomised controlled trial
- ConSEPT: Convulsive Status Epilepticus Paediatric Trial
- Adrenaline Delivery through Ventilation of Aerosolised Nanoparticles in Cardiac arrEst (ADVANCE Study)
- Multicentre randomised controlled trial incorporating bedside lung ultrasound into the diagnosis of congestive cardiac failure in breathless older patients.
- Diagnostic Workup for Suspected Subarachnoid Haemorrhage.
- Tissue Doppler Evaluation of Diastolic Dysfunction in Emergency Department Acute Coronary Syndromes: The TEDDy-ED pilot study.
- Evaluation of the Emergency Department Ambulance Offload Nurse (EDAOLN) in Queensland
- A randomised controlled trial of interventional versus conservative treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax
- Adding “insult to Injury” – The Effect of fresh and aged blood to oxygenation metabolisms and organ function in a clinically relevant trauma/sepsis model.
- SWAMPED: Linking best practice workforce models to Emergency Department funding
- The Australasian Paediatric Head Injury Rules: a prospective validation of 3 international clinical decision rules for acute head injury in children presenting to emergency departments.
- Checking radiology reports and reviewing patient records: an IT solution for preventing missed limb fractures.
- Accuracy of Trauma Ultrasound in the PreHospital Environment (TUPHEn Study)
- Propofol or Ketofol for Emergency Medicine Procedural Sedation- A Randomized Controlled Trial: The POKEM Study.
- Program of research incorporating six studies to improve the assessment and diagnosis of chest pain.
- A comparison between compressed air and Nitrox gas for recreational scuba divers to 18 msw
- A Comprehensive Evaluation of a Hospital In Nursing Home (HINH) Program in Three Queensland Hospitals.
- The Queensland Aeromedical Retrieval System: A Review of Current Status and the Impact of State-wide System Developments.
- Microcirculation in shocked patients
- Tamsulosin for the treatment of Distal Ureteric Calculi: A Double Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Multi-Centre trial
- Medication and Fluid orders in the Emergency Department: Examining the incidence of error and adverse events.
- High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) Therapy in Infants with Bronchiolitis, a Randomised Controlled Trial in Regional Emergency Departments.
Collaborating Institution
Research Portfolio
2023 – 2024 Annual Report now available online
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