Pilot project to assess measures of psychological impact of providing CPR on a related victim of cardiac arrest.

Examine the effects of CPR provision on persons who are related by standers of a victim of cardiac arrest

Grant ID: EMT-2008-008-McNEILL-PSYCH

Project Summary

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) provision by bystanders has a well recognized link to improved outcome in cardiac arrest sufferers. However, a victim of cardiac arrest is more likely to receive CPR from a non-related bystander than from a related witness. It is thought that there are psychological barriers to the provision of CPR by related persons.

The overall aim of the proposed pilot study is to examine the effects of CPR provision on persons who are related bystanders of a victim of cardiac arrest. The three key purposes for the proposed pilot study, therefore, are: (1) to assess the proposed recruitment strategy; (2) to evaluate the usefulness of the selected test instruments in the context of the larger study and its aims; and, (3) to establish whether or not participants will perceive subjective psychological distress (or possibly even psychological benefit) through the administration of the selected assessment tools.


Nunnink, L., Williamson, F., Broome, A. and McNeill, I., 2011. Prospective evaluation of tools to assess the psychological response of CPR provision to a relative who has suffered a cardiac arrest: A pilot project. Resuscitation, 82(2), pp.160-166.


Amount Awarded


Grant Scheme


Principal Investigator:
Dr Iain McNeill

Co Investigators:
Dr Frances Williamson
Dr Leo Nunninck
Dr Annette Broome


Collaborating Institutions

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