July 2020
The Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF) is seeking a motivated and engaged new member to join its Board, as it enters the next exciting phase.
Applications are sought from experienced board professionals with a deep understanding of contemporary governance, integrity and fiduciary duties.
The EMF Board has particular interest in attracting candidates with expertise in the area of law and/or external relations and stakeholder engagement with government and industry. Applications are invited from Queensland and beyond, with interstate and regionally based candidates encouraged to apply.
Members must be able to attend a bi-monthly meeting plus, if required, additional extraordinary meetings. All meetings are held in Brisbane and may be attended in person or via teleconference if necessary. This is a voluntary position however costs incurred while carrying out EMF duties, including travel expenses, will be reimbursed.
In Australia, EMF is the only organisation dedicated to funding innovative, evidence-based emergency medicine research that directly improves clinical practice and delivers significant economic benefits to the healthcare system.
Since 2008, EMF has awarded nearly $18m to over 200 research projects. EMF has established a reputation among emergency medicine professionals for supporting high-impact, outcome-driven research with rapid results.
In 2019–20, there were 8.2 million presentations to an Australian public hospital emergency department. Our purpose is to improve the care of patients and develop emergency healthcare research capacity nationally. Long-term, every Australian will benefit from our research programs.
For more information about the EMF click here.
EMF Board members must have an appropriate range of skills, experience, qualifications, expertise and vision to enable it to properly carry out its responsibilities. Healthcare sector experience is not required by new applicants, as the Board currently has emergency care representation.
Interested applicants should forward their CV and a one (1) page Expression of Interest outlining the above selection criteria to Ms Beth Chapman, Company Secretary via beth.chapman@emfoundation.org.au.
For more information about EMF, including the Board and its committees, or to request a Board information pack please email jody.tregidgo@emfoundation.org.au.
Applications close on 14 May, 2021.