Results for CareFlight

Efficacy of pressure pad vs pressure bandage immobilisation for snake bite first aid

Snake bite affects thousands of Australians every year, but few die as a result due to high quality first aid and timely medical care. Good first aid should be simple, standardised, use minimal or readily available equipment, and be able to be utilised effectively with no or minimal training by the rescuer. Over time the first aid methods used to manage snake bite in Australia have been questioned due to issues with efficacy, and some emerging evidence of harm from their use. There is little experimental data in the literature to support current first aid practices, and what exists suggests further research is required. Our study aims to examine and compare the effectiveness of two first aid methods by tracking the movement of a mock venom through the body when each first aid method is used. This will provide important information about the suitability of current techniques used in Australia and whether a proposed simpler alternative technique is as effective. If this is demonstrated to be correct it provides a basis for modifying current snake bite first aid recommendations.


Ketamine versus propofol in sedation of psychiatric patients requiring retrieval

In this study, we will compare the safety and effectiveness of ketamine and propofol in sedating acute psychiatric patients needing aeromedical retrieval. We believe that this is the first trial of its kind which will elucidate the complications, the safety profile and effectiveness of the two drugs in sedating acute psychiatric patients. The study will be a prospective, open-labelled, randomised controlled trial. Patients will be drawn the Northern Territory and Queensland. Through this study, we will better inform clinicians in their choice of a suitable sedation agent and potential provide an additional sedation choice in aeromedical and other critical care environments. Furthermore, this research has the potential to establish sedation guidelines in the aeromedical retrieval of acute psychiatric patients for Australia and internationally.


The Queensland Aeromedical Retrieval System: A Review of Current Status and the Impact of State-wide System Developments.

Aeromedical retrievals and transfers are an essential component of modern Emergency Medicine. These services provide high quality emergency care to the patient and facilitate transport from the roadside or smaller hospitals to larger centres able to perform potentially life saving treatments and provide definitive care. Thus they help ensure equity of access to high quality medical care regardless of physical isolation. This is especially important in Queensland, the most decentralised Australian state.

Until recently aeromedical clinical coordination and retrieval services in Queensland were provided by a several different organizations. In 2005 a system restructure was commenced and a state-wide centralised Queensland Emergency Medical System (QEMS) Clinical Coordination Centre and dedicated medical retrieval and transfer service was established. Standardised retrieval service data has been collected centrally since February 2007 with over 18,000 patients transported each year.

The project will review in detail five years of state-wide aeromedical retrieval system activity to describe the nature and extent of services provided.


Transforming Emergency Healthcare

EMF funding is improving emergency care for the elderly

Trauma: better treatment for severe bleeding

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