The increasing demand on emergency health care in Australia has seen recent emphasis on clinical redesign initiatives that are focused on time-based performance measures and activity-based funding. While congestion in emergency departments continues, and emphasis is placed on reaching these time targets, the quality of care that patients receive when presenting with non-life threatening injuries is potentially compromised.
To date, there is a lack of high-level evidence surrounding the type of quality indicators (QIs) that should be used in EDs to measure quality of care. This project will develop QIs for care of patients who present to EDs with musculoskeletal injuries under appropriate expert review. The final QI set will allow application across EDs and will contribute to comparison and optimisation of emergency care for patients in ED with musculoskeletal injuries.
- $19,130.00 HP Grant
Strudwick, K., Russell, T., Bell, A.J., Chatfield, M.D. and Martin-Khan, M., 2020. Musculoskeletal injury quality outcome indicators for the emergency department. Internal and emergency medicine, 15(3), pp.501-514.
Strudwick, K., Russell, T., Bell, A.J., Chatfield, M. and Martin-Khan, M., 2019. Process quality indicators for musculoskeletal injuries in the emergency department. Emergency Medicine Journal, 36(11), pp.686-696.
Strudwick, K., McPhee, M., Bell, A., Martin-Khan, M. and Russell, T., 2018. Re: Limited evidence for screening for serious pathologies using red flags in patients with low back pain presenting to the emergency department. Emergency Medicine Australasia: EMA, 30(3), pp.437-438.
Strudwick, K., McPhee, M., Bell, A., Martin‐Khan, M. and Russell, T., 2018. Methodology for the ‘rapid review’series on musculoskeletal injuries in the emergency department. Emergency Medicine Australasia, 30(1), pp.13-17.
Strudwick, K., McPhee, M., Bell, A., Martin‐Khan, M. and Russell, T., 2018. Best practice management of low back pain in the emergency department (part 1 of the musculoskeletal injuries rapid review series). Emergency Medicine Australasia, 30(1), pp.18-35.
Strudwick, K., McPhee, M., Bell, A., Martin‐Khan, M. and Russell, T., 2018. Best practice management of common ankle and foot injuries in the emergency department (part 2 of the musculoskeletal injuries rapid review series). Emergency Medicine Australasia, 30(2), pp.152-180.
Strudwick, K., McPhee, M., Bell, A., Martin‐Khan, M. and Russell, T., 2018. Best practice management of common knee injuries in the emergency department (part 3 of the musculoskeletal injuries rapid review series). Emergency Medicine Australasia, 30(3), pp.327-352.
Strudwick, K., McPhee, M., Bell, A., Martin‐Khan, M. and Russell, T., 2018. Best practice management of common shoulder injuries and conditions in the emergency department (part 4 of the musculoskeletal injuries rapid review series). Emergency Medicine Australasia, 30(4), pp.456-485.
Strudwick, K., McPhee, M., Bell, A., Martin‐Khan, M. and Russell, T., 2018. Best practice management of closed hand and wrist injuries in the emergency department (part 5 of the musculoskeletal injuries rapid review series). Emergency Medicine Australasia, 30(5), pp.610-640.
Strudwick, K., McPhee, M., Bell, A., Martin‐Khan, M. and Russell, T., 2018. Best practice management of neck pain in the emergency department (part 6 of the musculoskeletal injuries rapid review series). Emergency Medicine Australasia, 30(6), pp.754-772.
Strudwick, K., Bell, A., Russell, T. and Martin-Khan, M., 2016. Developing quality indicators for the care of patients with musculoskeletal injuries in the Emergency Department: study protocol. BMC emergency medicine, 17(1), pp.1-10.
Strudwick K, Nelson M, Martin‐Khan M, Bourke M, Bell A, & Russell T. Quality indicators for musculoskeletal injury management in the emergency department: a systematic review. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2015, 22(2), 127-141.
Conference Presentation/Abstract:
- Strudwick K, Nelson M, Martin‐Khan M, Bourke M, Bell A, & Russell T. Quality indicators for musculoskeletal injury management in the emergency department: a systematic review (15 minute oral) – The University of Queensland School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Post-graduate Research Conference. November 2014, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
- Strudwick K, Nelson M, Martin‐Khan M, Bourke M, Bell A, & Russell T. Quality indicators for musculoskeletal injury management in the emergency department: a systematic review (15 minute oral) – The Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference. 3 October 2015, Gold Coast, Australia.
- Strudwick K, McPhee M, Martin‐Khan M, Bell A, & Russell T. A Rapid review of best practice management of low back pain in the Emergency Department (15 minute oral) – The Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference. 21 October 2017, Sydney, Australia.
- Strudwick K, McPhee M, Martin‐Khan M, Bell A, & Russell T. The use of an Expert Panel to develop quality indicators for musculoskeletal injuries in the Emergency Department (poster presentation) – The Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference. 21 October 2017, Sydney, Australia.
- Strudwick K, McPhee M, Martin‐Khan M, Bell A, & Russell T. A study protocol: Developing quality indicators to measure the care of patients with musculoskeletal injuries in the Emergency Department (poster presentation) – The Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference. 21 October 2017, Sydney, Australia.
- Strudwick K, Martin‐Khan M, Bell A, & Russell T. Measure what you value - The development of process quality indicators to measure quality of care for musculoskeletal injuries in the Emergency Department (15 minute oral) – The Australasian College for Emergency Medicine – Annual Scientific Meeting. 19 November 2018, Perth, Australia.
- Strudwick K, McPhee M, Martin‐Khan M, Bell A, & Russell T. Management of low back pain in the Emergency Department – A ‘rapid review’ of the literature (poster presentation) – The Australasian College for Emergency Medicine – Annual Scientific Meeting. 19 November 2018, Perth, Australia.
- Strudwick K, McPhee M, Martin‐Khan M, Bell A, & Russell T. Management of common ankle injuries in the Emergency Department – A ‘rapid review’ of the literature (poster presentation) – The Australasian College for Emergency Medicine – Annual Scientific Meeting. 19 November 2018, Perth, Australia.
- Strudwick K, Martin‐Khan M, Bell A, & Russell T. The development of tools to measure quality of care for musculoskeletal injuries in the Emergency Department (20 minute oral) – The Queensland Emergency Department Physiotherapy Network Conference. 9 November 2018, Gold Coast, Australia.
WATCH: New push to improve medical care across QLD for broken bones and muscle injury #TenNews
— TEN News Queensland (@tennewsqld) September 28, 2016