New grants awarded

Emergency healthcare solutions for sepsis patients, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients, and mental health patients needing aeromedical retrieval, are among projects to be awarded grant funding by the Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF).

In its most recent grant round, EMF has awarded eleven new grants worth $724,682 to fund emergency healthcare research projects thanks to funding from Queensland Health.

EMF General Manager, Beth Chapman said the number and quality of the submitted emergency healthcare research projects reflects the resilience of emergency clinician-researchers who have been under immense pressure.

“Once again we are impressed by our amazing emergency clinician-researchers”, said Ms Chapman. “In a difficult year marked by several COVID waves and a severe flood, they still find the energy and dedication to look for new evidence-based solutions to improve outcomes for patients needing emergency care.”

Among others, funding is awarded to a broad research team spanning clinicians from Sunshine Coast University Hospital as well as Redcliffe, Nambour General and Caboolture Hospitals. The researchers will conduct a project to improve cultural safety and patient experience for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people attending emergency departments in their hospitals.

Trauma clinicians from the Gold Coast University Hospital are collaborating with colleagues from several regional hospitals, the Queensland Ambulance Services and the Statewide Trauma Network to identify potential disparities of care for critically bleeding patients. The ultimate goal is guide improvements in education, blood product and resource availability and cost-effective care across Queensland.

Emerge, EMF’s new grant scheme, has been popular with novice researchers, with five grants awarded to clinicians from a broad range of hospitals.

EMF Board Chair, Dr Kim Hansen said EMF is pleased to invest in building research capacity among Queensland’s emergency healthcare clinicians with this new scheme. “Emerge grants are a fantastic way for clinicians to dip their toe into research. Under the guidance of a mentor, they can start their research journey with a small project in an area that matters to them”. More information on Emerge grants is available here.

One Emerge project led by clinicians at Redcliffe Hospital investigates whether an evidence-based bundle of resources can encourage best practice techniques and improve intravenous cannulas for children, a procedure that is difficult and potentially distressing for the child and their family. Another team at Hervey Bay Hospital aims to maximise the effects of feedback practices in a regional emergency department. In the fast-paced emergency environment, effective feedback practices are critical to developing clinical competence in junior doctors, which will ultimately contribute to improved patient care.

The next EMF Queensland Research Program Grant Round 39 opens for applications in February 2023, with Grant Round 38 applications currently under review.

The EMF Queensland Program is funded by Queensland Health.

Successful grants in EMF Queensland Research Program Round 37

Principal Investigator (PI)
Project Title
PI Institution
Amount awarded


Dr Thomas Holland Vasopressor Infusion via Peripheral vs Central Access in emergency department patients with shock – The VIPCA RCT Caboolture Hospital (Metro North HHS)


Leading Edge
Dr Michelle Davison Deadly Steps in the Emergency Department with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consumers: an evaluation of a co-design cultural safety improvement and awareness tool Sunshine Coast University Hospital (Sunshine Coast HHS)


Dr Elizabeth Elder National Emergency Department Stress, Coping and Intention to Leave Survey: DESTRESS Gold Coast University Hospital (Gold Coast Health)


Dr Clinton Gibbs Aeromedical Retrieval of people with Acute Behavioural Disturbance in Queensland – ELEVATE Study Retrieval Services Queensland


Dr Jessica Forbes Composition, Quality and Delivery of Major Haemorrhage Protocols (MHP) and critical bleeding clinical practice guidelines in hospitals across Queensland Health Gold Coast University Hospital (Gold Coast Health)


Project grants
Dr Julian Williams Trials in Emergency for Advancing Management of Sepsis: TEAM SEPSIS Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (Metro North HHS)


Emerge grants

Dr Rudesh Prasad y Maximising the effects of feedback in regional emergency medicine Hervey Bay Hospital (Wide Bay HHS)


Dr Benjamin Powell Predicting in-flight hypotension in aeromedical trauma patients LifeFLight and Ipswich Hospital (West Moreton HHS)


Dr Michelle Dodds Paediatric peripheral intravenous cannulation package to improve practice: the experience of a mixed metropolitan Emergency Department Redcliffe Hospital (Metro North HHS)


Ms Anita Wall External Ventricular Devices in Aeromedical Retrieval – Are they Safe? Royal Flying Doctor Service and James Cook University


Dr Jennifer Jones Assessment of emergency presentations, outcomes and departmental impact of patients presenting after COVID-19 immunisation to a tertiary Paediatric Emergency Department Queensland Children’s Hospital



Posted in August 2022


Transforming Emergency Healthcare

EMF funding is improving emergency care for the elderly

Trauma: better treatment for severe bleeding

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