Results for Royal Flying Doctor Service (Qld)

Evaluating the coverage, characteristics, and enablers of the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section)’s telehealth, medical chest and aeromedical retrieval model of trauma care

People living in regional, rural, and remote areas are more likely to experience poor health outcomes and to suffer traumatic injuries than those living in cities. When help is needed, patients, their families or carers can contact the Royal Flying Doctor Service(Queensland Section) (‘RFDS(QLD)’) directly using their 24/7 telehealth service. Doctors are available to provide advice remotely, and if needed, prescribe medications and potentially lifesaving treatments that are immediately accessible from the 1,300+ medical chests located across the state while an air retrieval is arranged. Between July 2022 – June 2024, RFDS(QLD) received 9,700+ calls of this kind. To ensure that people are getting the best care available, we need to better understand, who, when, and why people called RFDS(QLD) directly including how many needed help because of traumatic injuries and motor accidents. This research will conduct large-scale analyses of all these patients, their clinical presentations, treatments provided by the RFDS(QLD), and retrieval outcomes. Front-line emergency clinicians will also share their experiences about what works well and what could improve trauma management in regional, rural, and remote areas. Results will be used to improve what is known about trauma management and inform how the RFDS(QLD) designs and monitors its services on an ongoing basis. A RFDS(QLD) Trauma Research Network will also be established. This Network will increase research capability and capacity by supporting knowledge generation and skills development. Doing so, will enable clinicians to evaluate and influence RFDS(QLD) services beyond the life of this project.


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Trauma: better treatment for severe bleeding

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