Results for University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire

Most clinical staff working in the ED are clinical facing, allowing little to no time to develop research or their skills in research. The primary aim of the CBG is to support, develop, and undertake research of importance for Robina ED with Robina ED staff, HHS Executives, and consumers.

Our strategic vision for the CBG is to have research an integral part of clinical practice and education at Robina ED and that guidelines and policies are informed by our research. It will be guided by the GCH ED Research Strategy which has 4 goals: 1) Organise emergency care research; 2) Build and streamline research capacity; 3) Promote excellence, relevance, and impact of research; and 4) Develop, strengthen, and sustain research partnerships.

Structure: To build research capacity specifically for Robina ED staff, the structure will involve the employment of a Robina-based ED Research Fellow (part-time) and Research Nurse (part-time), as well as consultancy from a consumer advisor, and health economist/statistician (see budget); Engagement of health service executives, local and international university academics, collaborators from other agencies; and specific mentorship from other ED research leaders using tested frameworks (NASEM, 2019).

Expected benefits of the CBG include: active research engagement and collaboration leading to partnerships between Robina ED clinicians, researchers, HHS Executive, consumers and external collaborators in the development of 2 projects led by staff at Robina with support from researchers; the development and sustainment of capacity building mechanisms for: research involvement opportunities for Robina ED clinicians, dissemination of research updates and findings, and research mentorship.


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